Drone technology is significantly transforming the media industry, from TV, Movie, Video, and Music Production to Sporting Events & Promotional Videos.
The use of helicopters and cranes in media production are quite expensive and are no longer needed, instead they are being replaced with cost effective drone services. Drones are mainly used for filming movies and television serials, recording events and functions, covering news footage, to capturing scenes for documentaries, advertisements and for aerial photography
Traditional methods such as helicopters, planes and cranes for shooting from higher angles, are more expensive, dangerous and time consuming and require on-site personnel to operate. Drones are a cost-effective alternative for many media companies as footage can be taken from an aerial view. For filming movies, drones can provide boundless camera angles,maximum speed chase scenes, over water and in-between tree scenes, overhead landscape and cityscape views. In journalism they can cover areas where human entry could be dangerous, prohibited or inaccessible.
The benefits of using a drone include;
Take a look at a selection of our work click here
We operate a network of nationwide drone pilots providing consistent service where all pilots operate under our strict service level agreement
The benefits of choosing Quote 4 Drones
We appeal to businesses who require drone and aerial photography services at various times of the year when projects dictate and need the job to be organised with the minimum of fuss.
We have worked with a number of clients from different sectors including the media industry, click here to read a selection of our client's testimonials.
If you have a requirement for this type of drone service, contact us today to get a FREE, no obligation quote.
For more information email info@quote4drones.com. Alternatively, you can call 020 8920 5278 and speak with Henry Forde.